Private practice for orthopaedics

Specialist areas

Orthopäde Prof. Dr. Karl Braun
General orthopedics
Operative orthopaedics
Specialized orthopaedics
Specialized trauma surgery


Trauma surgery


Book an appointment with Prof. Dr. Braun

Prof. Dr. Karl F. Braun is a passionate trauma surgeon and orthopaedic surgeon with many years of experience in the surgical and conservative treatment of the musculoskeletal system. His aim is to preserve the joint – because your own joint remains your best companion.

During his medical and scientific work at two of Europe’s most renowned university hospitals, the Klinikum Rechts der Isar (Technical University of Munich) and the Charité (University Medicine Berlin), Prof. Dr. Braun has acquired extensive expertise in the modern treatment of complex bone fractures, axial misalignments and bone healing disorders. His profound knowledge in this field is documented in over 100 publications and book contributions on innovative and new therapeutic procedures. Prof. Dr. Braun offers effective state-of-the-art treatments that always focus on the individual needs of his patients. As a lecturer at the medical faculty of the Technical University of Munich, he passes on his valuable experience to future generations.

As a former competitive athlete, the care and treatment of sports injuries is close to his heart. The goal of returning to sport not only quickly, but above all in a healthy and efficient manner (return-to-sport) forms the basis of his customized treatment concepts. The latest cell therapies and minimally invasive surgical techniques are used. As a certified knee surgeon, Prof. Dr. Braun is a specialist in the treatment of the knee joint. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Braun is licensed as a D doctor for the occupational accident insurance scheme (occupational accidents).

Further training

Specialized trauma surgery

DKG Knee Surgeon

Emergency medicine

Professional and scientific career


Doctorate at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU)


Habilitation and Venia Legendi in the field of orthopaedics and trauma surgery at the Technical University of Munich (TUM)

2009 – 2019

Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich; Clinic and Polyclinic for Trauma Surgery with Prof. Dr. P. Biberthaler, Clinic for Orthopaedics and Sports Orthopaedics with Prof. Dr. R. v. Eisenhart-Rote and Prof. Dr. A. Imhoff

2019 – 2022

Charité, Universitätsmedizin Berlin; Musculoskeletal Center CMSC with Prof. Dr. U. Stöckle and Prof. Dr. C. Perka


Adjunct professor at the Medical Faculty of the Technical University of Munich (TUM)

2022 – today

Martin Luther Hospital, Johannesstift Diakonie Berlin; Clinic for Orthopaedics, Sports Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery with Prof. Dr. W. Petersen

  • AGA – Society for Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery
  • DGOU – German Society for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery
  • AO – Working Group for Osteosynthesis Issues
  • DKG – German Knee Society