Private practice for orthopaedics

Specialist areas

Conservative therapies

Alternatives to surgery

Treatments on the spine and joints

We successfully offer treatment by means of medicinal or physical therapies (so-called conservative therapies) in our practice. These procedures completely dispense with surgical measures. Physiotherapists and masseurs in particular regularly use them to treat their patients. Users of physical therapy work with direct current or infrared light, among other things.

Conservative therapy includes chirotherapy/manual therapy, extracorporeal shock wave therapy, magnetic field therapy, laser therapy, arthrosis therapy, osteoporosis therapy, rheumatism therapy, infusion therapy, hyaluronic acid injections, needling and punctures of calcifications as well as trigger point treatment. You will also receive acupuncture and kinesio taping.

We offer a variety of conservative therapies to relieve pain and will be happy to advise you on our diverse therapy methods, such as osteoarthritis therapy.

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Shock wave therapy

Our shock wave therapy in Berlin is a gentle and non-invasive treatment for chronic tendon and muscle disorders, inflammation or injuries. Many orthopaedic problems – from the shoulder to the heel – can be treated with extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT): Extracorporeal here means that it is an external application outside the body, which means that treatment with shock waves is very painless and has no known side effects. In some cases, shock wave therapy can even avoid surgery.


Shock wave therapy is generally used in our private orthopaedic practice in Berlin for the following complaints and clinical pictures:

  • Shock wave therapy is helpful for calcifications (calcium deposits / calcium deposits), for example in the case of a calcified shoulder
  • ESWT is used for Achillodynia, heel pain and heel spurs and non-healing bone fractures (pseudarthroses) for bone healing
  • We also achieve very good results with extracorporeal shock wave therapy for tennis and golf elbow, irritation of the Achilles tendon, patellar tendonitis, chronic tendon and muscle disorders and trigger point therapy.

Shock wave therapy is always suitable when treatment is required in deeper regions of the body but surgery or invasive treatment is not required. Shockwave therapy is a particularly gentle form of treatment for sports injuries and is offered by our experienced sports physicians in Berlin.


A shock wave is an ultrasound that is accelerated above the speed of sound and emits mechanical energy as a result of the acceleration. Put simply, shock waves are pressure waves. In extracorporeal shock wave therapy, shock waves are applied externally and directed to the affected area. The resulting pressure stimulates cell growth there. This increases the growth of newly formed blood vessels, which stimulates a rapid regeneration process.

There are no known side effects of ESWT, but the activation of the nerve cells in the painful area can temporarily lead to an initial aggravation after the first treatment with shock waves. The tissue to be treated and the intensity of the shock waves during application are decisive for successful shock wave therapy. The orthopaedic specialists at Ortho Eins in Berlin are experts in their field and have many years of experience in shock wave therapy.


Shockwave therapy in Berlin only begins after a detailed medical history and consultation. Non-invasive therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis. A local anesthetic or other anesthesia is not necessary for this virtually painless method. Before ESWT treatment, the diseased area is usually precisely identified and marked using an X-ray or ultrasound image. The transducer of the shock wave device is then directed at the area to be treated and the number of pulses and energy density are ideally adjusted to you.

The device focuses the shock waves directly on the detected region. The affected region can now be treated with sound waves. A session lasts around 5 to 15 minutes. Several sessions are necessary to achieve healing success. In most cases, three appointments are sufficient. This is the only way that shock wave therapy can work well and bring about pain relief.


Do you have complaints such as tennis elbow or tennis elbow (epicondylitis humeri radialis), plantar fasciitis (fasciitis plantaris) or calcific tendinitis (tendinosis calcerea)? Then extracorporeal shock wave therapy could be the right treatment method for you. Our orthopaedists at Ortho Eins Berlin will be happy to advise you. Whether you come from Zehlendorf, Steglitz, Dahlem, Grunewald, Teltow, Mitte, Spandau, other districts in Berlin or the surrounding area, our orthopaedic specialists led by Dr. Christopher Topar will be happy to help you with your orthopaedic complaints.

Do you still have questions about extracorporeal shock wave therapy or do you need a shoulder specialist in Berlin for other complaints? Whatever your musculoskeletal complaints – feel free to contact us. We look forward to seeing you.

As the disease progresses, osteoporosis increasingly leads to a reduction in bone density and mass. The consequences are pain in the affected bones and an increased risk of fracture. If osteoporosis is suspected, we can carry out a bone density measurement in addition to a clinical examination and determination of laboratory parameters.

Osteoporosis therapy includes a consistent change in lifestyle and diet (e.g. more exercise, spending more time in the sun, sufficient calcium intake, reducing tobacco and nicotine consumption), conscious fracture prophylaxis (prevention of fractures such as removing “tripping hazards” in the home) and drug therapy based on the guidelines of the DVO (Dachverband Osteologie e. V.).

Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease worldwide. Joint wear and tear (osteoarthritis), which leads to wear and tear of the joint cartilage and consequently to changes in the bone, often causes discomfort and pain. Typical symptoms of this disease are initial pain, effusion, joint deformities, functional limitations and movement-dependent pain.


The most important goals of our osteoarthritis therapy in Dahlem are pain reduction, complete freedom from pain and the avoidance of mechanical restrictions. If you suffer from joint pain, then contact our team at the Ortho Eins orthopaedic practice in Berlin Zehlendorf: Call your osteoarthritis specialist in Berlin right away and make an appointment at our private orthopaedic practice. Do you come from Zehlendorf, Steglitz, Dahlem, Wilmersdorf, Spandau, Schöneberg, Tempelhof, Grunewald, Mitte, Charlottenburg or other districts in Berlin? Or do you live in Brandenburg (e.g. Potsdam, Stahnsdorf, Teltow, Güterfelde, Ludwigsfelde or Kleinmachnow)? No matter where you come from in Germany, our osteoarthritis specialists in Berlin will find the right osteoarthritis treatment for your individual case.


In order to be able to treat osteoarthritis successfully, a detailed medical history consultation with your joint doctor in our orthopaedic practice in Berlin Zehlendorf is required. Our osteoarthritis specialists will first ask you about your symptoms, predisposition, operations and injuries. The experienced osteoarthritis doctor in Berlin also checks the mobility of the affected joint. In addition, the degree of osteoarthritis can be determined using an X-ray, ultrasound, MRI or CT scan. Our specialist for osteoarthritis in Berlin usually recognizes osteoarthritis from the typical symptoms and through an external examination of the joints. Range of motion, pain on movement, joint swelling, skin changes and a gait pattern allow our orthopaedists to determine whether you are suffering from osteoarthritis and whether osteoarthritis treatment is an option for you.


The existing damage to the cartilage cannot be reversed by osteoarthritis therapy. Nevertheless, there are many ways to stop the wear and tear and alleviate the discomfort and even achieve freedom from pain. What helps against osteoarthritis? How can joint pain be treated correctly? It is important for good osteoarthritis treatment that the joint disease is recognized early so that effective countermeasures can be introduced. Physiotherapy and painkillers are not the only things that help against osteoarthritis: our osteoarthritis specialists in Berlin offer you many different osteoarthritis therapies – from hyaluronic acid therapy, radio frequency therapy, magnetic field therapy and laser therapy to autologous blood treatment (PRP therapy and Orthokine method). We will find the most suitable orthopaedic treatment for you according to your individual needs. Our osteoarthritis therapy includes the following treatments and forms of therapy:

  • Hyaluronic acid therapy
  • Joint irrigation
  • (pulsed) radiofrequency therapy
  • Acupuncture – Magnetic field therapy
  • Laser therapy
  • Insole care/shoe fittings
  • Treatment with bandages/orthoses

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease in which the cartilage in the joints slowly breaks down. The cartilage in the joints therefore wears out. How does osteoarthritis develop? Above all, incorrect loading and wear and tear damage the cartilage and lead to gradual degradation. The most common cause of osteoarthritis is age-related wear and tear of the joint cartilage – primary osteoarthritis. Secondary osteoarthritis can also be caused by pre-existing conditions or injuries. Osteoarthritis therapy can provide relief for both types.


The cartilage at the joints serves as a protective layer between the two bone ends. It is designed to prevent the two bones from rubbing against each other. It also absorbs impact movements by distributing the load evenly across the joint. There are around 100 fully formed joints in the body. If only one joint is affected, it is referred to as monoarthrosis; if several joints are affected, it is referred to as polyarthrosis; however, the number of joints affected is irrelevant for osteoarthritis treatment. Osteoarthritis can occur in any joint; however, the joints most frequently affected are those that are subject to a lot of strain:

  • Hip (coxarthrosis)
  • Shoulder (osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint or ACG osteoarthritis of the acromioclavicular joint)
  • Spine (facet joint arthrosis)
  • Knee (osteoarthritis of the knee)
  • Ankle joint (OSG osteoarthritis)
  • Feet, especially at the metatarsophalangeal joint (hallux rigidus)
  • Hands and fingers, especially on the thumb (rhizarthrosis or thumb saddle joint arthrosis).

Do you have osteoarthritis or suffer from joint pain? Do you have questions about joint diseases? Call our orthopaedists in our orthopaedic practice for private patients and self-pay patients and make an appointment with our osteoarthritis specialists in Berlin. Our experienced joint doctors in Zehlendorf can answer your questions about joint therapy. Our joint specialists will work with you to determine the ideal osteoarthritis therapy for you.


Osteoarthritis causes severe pain in many sufferers and can lead to stiffening of the joints. One of the typical symptoms of osteoarthritis is, for example, start-up pain. Pain occurs at the beginning of a movement after a long period of rest: for example, when standing up after sitting for a long time. The pain usually subsides after a short period of movement. Morning stiffness is also a common sign of osteoarthritis. After getting up, the joints feel stiffer, but this disappears relatively quickly. If the joints are inflamed, however, this stiffness lasts longer. In addition, there may be tenderness in the joints, reduced mobility, crunching during movement or swelling. Whatever your symptoms, we can help you with professional osteoarthritis therapy.

Rheumatic diseases are often characterized by joint complaints that can be accompanied by pain, effusion, restricted movement or acute inflammatory processes. In this case, we have various treatment options at our disposal, which are individually tailored to the patient depending on the findings and symptoms. These conservative treatment options include joint injections, joint lavage, cortisone and infusion treatment, acupuncture, electrotherapy, orthotic and bandage treatment and kinesio tapes.

In a personal consultation, we will explain the advantages and disadvantages of the individual therapies and find the most suitable one for you.

Trigger point therapy in Berlin from ORTHO EINS uses heat, massages or shock waves to relieve painful muscle stiffness. Our orthopaedic specialists identify the sore spot by taking a holistic view of the patient and find the right therapy to combat the pain. Our Berlin sports physicians and specialists treat privately insured and self-paying patients from Zehlendorf, Dahlem, Wannsee, Steglitz, Wilmersdorf, Grunewald and all of Berlin. Of course, our orthopaedists are also happy to receive visitors from Potsdam, Teltow, Kleinmachnow, Brandenburg and all over Germany.

Just give us a call – the specialists around Dr. Christopher Topar will be happy to inform you about the possibilities of trigger point massage.


Myofascial trigger points or myogeloses are shortened and hardened muscle fibers that appear as knots in the muscles. These pain points are often caused by incorrect loading, overloading, tension, postural disorders or other illnesses. The hardened muscles are usually sensitive to pressure and can cause or trigger pain, which is caused by the impaired blood circulation at this point and the deposition of metabolic toxins and inflammatory substances. Myofascial trigger points can occur in the entire musculature and cause pain.


The triggers lead to tension, hardening and limited muscle function as well as restricted movement, although these functional disorders do not have to occur directly in the area of the trigger point. Tension and pain often occur in the shoulder/neck area, jaw, calves or buttocks. The muscle hardening triggers pain that can also occur in other parts of the body. Trigger points in the trapezius muscle and the levator scapulae muscle can cause neck pain, headaches or pain behind the eyes, for example. This is why trigger point diagnosis is complex: X-rays, ultrasound or similar methods do not make trigger points visible. The trigger points that cause the pain are identified by palpation and can then be treated effectively. Trigger point treatment by a good specialist can quickly resolve the pain points and alleviate discomfort. The aim of trigger point treatment by a specialist in orthopaedics is to precisely localize and eliminate the trigger point. Children and adolescents can also be affected. This is why we also use trigger point treatments to relieve pain in our pediatric orthopaedics department in Berlin.


The experienced orthopaedists at ORTHO EINS orthopaedics in Berlin Zehlendorf have many years of experience and professional foresight to identify the trigger point causing the pain and treat it effectively.

Trigger point therapy is used for

  • for back pain,
  • For tension in the shoulder and neck area
  • for muscle stiffness
  • Sports injuries and training damage
  • for complaints of the Achilles tendon and other tendons
  • Joint pain in the elbows, knees and hips
  • Pain caused by the sciatic nerve.

During trigger point treatment, our orthopaedists localize the myofascial trigger points in your muscles and destroy them in a targeted manner. This is done – depending on the trigger point therapy used – with pressure (trigger point massage) or microstimulation through shock wave therapy. This effective trigger point treatment can quickly relieve your pain and discomfort. An application in our orthopaedic practice for private patients and self-payers takes about 20 minutes.


Trigger point treatment improves the blood supply to the muscle fibers. This allows the muscle to regain elasticity and functionality, while at the same time the treatment helps to relieve tension and pain and reduce swelling. With trigger point therapy, tension can be treated in a targeted manner and annoying pain such as back pain, shoulder pain or muscle pain can be alleviated. Trigger point massage or trigger point treatment by our experienced orthopaedists in Berlin Zehlendorf is carried out on the basis of in-depth medical and anatomical knowledge and is therefore safe and targeted.

We use infusion therapy to treat symptoms for which targeted, local therapies do not lead to the desired reduction in pain.

We first insert a very fine needle into a vein, fix it in place and then connect it to the infusion. The dosage is precisely adjusted to the patient beforehand and the course of therapy is constantly monitored.

It makes sense to administer an infusion of pain and anti-inflammatory medication over a period of 3-5 days. Support is provided by one of our trained employees.

Hyaluronic acid therapy makes use of the natural properties of this substance to treat osteoarthritis or other joint problems: Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of human connective tissue. It is found in the intervertebral discs, cartilage and skin, among other places. Hyaluronic acid binds moisture, is a nutrient carrier and has anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to its viscosity, hyaluronic acid acts like a shock absorber. It therefore fulfills an important protective function, especially in the joints.

After a hyaluronic acid injection at Orthopaedist Dr. Topar in Berlin Zehlendorf, you will benefit from the regenerative properties of hyaluronic acid and a minimally invasive, conservative therapy. Let us advise you on your options and the procedure for hyaluronic acid injections in our private practice!


If joint wear and tear such as osteoarthritis, joint injuries, heel spurs or chronic irritation of tendons occurs, a good orthopaedist can provide relief with a hyaluronic acid injection. It is injected into the joint space to improve the synovial fluid. The hyaluronic acid injection promotes the synovial fluid and thus the gliding ability of the individual joints.


In arthrosis therapy, the orthopaedic surgeon injects three to five hyaluronic acid injections into the affected joint at one-week intervals. In the case of tendon tissue disease, hyaluronic acid therapy with a single injection is usually sufficient to relieve the pain. Depending on the patient, the effect, i.e. a reduction in pain or improved joint mobility, lasts between 3 and 12 months. As long as patients benefit from the effect of hyaluronic acid injections, they are refreshed at certain intervals in the event of joint inflammation or osteoarthritis.

At ORTHO EINS Orthopaedics, hyaluronic acid is used to treat various types of joint wear:

  • Osteoarthritis (knee osteoarthritis, joint osteoarthritis, etc.)
  • Cartilage injuries (cartilage damage, injuries to the joint cartilage)
  • Heel spur
  • Irritation of tendon insertions such as tennis elbow
  • Chronic irritation of the Achilles tendon

Swelling and effusion in tissues or joints can occur as a result of wear and tear, inflammation, surgery or injury. In the case of fluid accumulation, a puncture is occasionally required to relieve the pressure on the structures (e.g. in the knee, shoulder or hip joint).

To determine the extent, volume and consistency of the swelling or effusion, we usually carry out a sonography (ultrasound). Once the puncture site has been determined, an appropriate cannula is inserted into the joint or soft tissue structure and the fluid is withdrawn. This relieves the structures more quickly, resulting in a rapid reduction in pain. For each puncture, we assess individually whether an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving substance should be injected after a successful procedure.

Based on the appearance of the tissue fluid taken, we then decide whether the sample should be sent to a laboratory for further examination, e.g. if an infection is suspected. For this purpose, the pathogen must be determined in order to be able to initiate an effective therapy.

A puncture is usually not particularly painful. They are performed under very sterile conditions, on an outpatient basis and under local anesthesia.

Migraine is a chronic, periodically recurring headache. This is often accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound.

The causes of these complaints are often not yet clearly understood. However, one thing is widely known: Migraines are often caused by an irritated 3rd occipital nerve (leading from the neck to the back of the head). Whether this is the cause of the attack can be determined at the beginning of a migraine by injecting the nerves. This is the case if you are symptom-free for the duration of the local anesthetic after the injection. The nerve is then treated accordingly.

Injuries such as broken bones, strains, torn muscle fibers, bruises, cuts and whiplash sometimes occur during sport, at home and in everyday life. Thanks to state-of-the-art technical equipment in-house (ultrasound, X-ray, MRI and CT), we can immediately get a picture of your injury, make a diagnosis and initiate the necessary treatment (e.g. chirotherapy, injections, punctures, dressings and sutures).

The orthopaedic medical supply store in the building offers the possibility of immediate bandage or orthotic treatment for immobilization or relief. This enables us to guarantee short distances and fast medical care.

Acupuncture, a Chinese therapy method that is thousands of years old, treats complaints by inserting needles at designated acupuncture points on the so-called meridians. According to the Chinese view, the life energy runs through these, whereby the balance between yin and yang must sometimes be restored. The treatment can eliminate or reduce disturbances in the energy flows within the body.

Depending on the clinical picture, we insert different numbers of needles, which remain in the skin for about 20 minutes and are then removed. The treatment cycle takes 10-12 sessions. When performed correctly, acupuncture has no side effects.
Thanks to his TCM training, Dr. Topar has special knowledge and skills that enable optimal therapy. We use acupuncture to treat chronic joint complaints, arthrosis complaints/joint pain (e.g. in arthrosis therapy), back pain, shoulder/neck complaints, rheumatic diseases, muscle stiffness, tendon insertion disorders, headaches, migraines and ringing in the ears (tinnitus). We also carry out acupuncture to support nicotine cessation and weight loss.

Orthopaedic aids include, for example, supports, orthoses, splints and crutches. These are usually unavoidable for the treatment of bruises or tendon stretches. People with a leg injury often need walking aids to be able to move freely.

There is an orthopaedic medical supply store in our practice building that offers all kinds of aids. Here you will not only receive prompt care, but also instruction in the function and handling of the prescribed equipment.

In the course of our lives, our skeleton and musculoskeletal system are constantly changing. The feet are also affected. Shoe inserts are often required to enable pain-free walking into old age. These insoles should be custom-made and meet the respective functional requirements, e.g. support for the inner edge of the foot.

Sports injuries and sports accidents often pose a particular challenge for orthopaedic diagnostics and therapy. Sports physicians and orthopaedists specializing in sports medicine use their expertise and experience in these cases to achieve a quick and complete recovery. A good sports doctor will ensure that you receive the best possible treatment for your sports injury and that patients quickly become pain-free. In our orthopaedic private practice for sports medicine in Berlin, you will find trained sports physicians and sports doctors who will treat your sports injuries optimally and advise you on your training and sporting activities. Of course, beginners, those returning to sport, young athletes and children can also take advantage of performance diagnostics in the form of a prophylactic sports medical examination at our sports medicine practice in Berlin Dahlem. We also issue sports fitness certificates at our sports doctor’s practice in Zehlendorf.

At Dr. Christopher Topar’s specialist practice for sports medicine and sports orthopaedics in Berlin Zehlendorf, professional sports doctors and sports physicians will advise and treat you. With a great deal of experience and expertise, we take care of your sports injuries, sports accidents, training injuries or fitness injuries and help you recover. Our aim is to get you back into your sport as quickly as possible and in the best possible way, and to enable you to maintain your resilience over the long term.


In order to be able to treat sports injuries and sports damage as early and effectively as possible, our sports physicians work with the latest diagnostic procedures and therapies. For sports medical diagnostics, we rely on diagnostic techniques such as ultrasound, X-ray, MRI or CT in addition to the palpation findings of our experienced and specially trained sports physicians. After a detailed medical history and diagnosis, the attending physician will work with you to develop the ideal therapy for your symptoms.

There is a wide range of possible injuries in sports medicine: Joint pain, muscle injuries, muscle overload, knee problems, tendonitis, ankle sprains, ligament injuries, sprains and bruises – our sports orthopaedists and sports physicians in Berlin Zehlendorf will find the right treatment and therapy for everything. We use state-of-the-art therapies such as trigger point treatments, pain therapies, hyaluronic acid therapy, magnetic field therapy or shock wave therapy in Berlin. Our sports medicine department in Berlin Zehlendorf also offers manual medicine such as chirotherapy, acupuncture and kinesio tape. Visit us at our sports medicine practice in Berlin Dahlem. Sports Medicine Zehlendorf is located directly at the Oskar Helene Heim subway station and is easily accessible by BVG or car. Thanks to the large parking garage, you will find a parking space in the immediate vicinity of our orthopaedic specialist practice.